Resep Unik Kue perkawinan

Bagi Yang sudah menikah, kue perkawinan ini diperlukan untuk mengingatkan & direnungkan. Bagi yang belum menikah kue ini untuk bahan masukan, supaya jangan salah adonan. Silahkan mencoba !!

1. Bahan

* 1 Pria sehat
* 1 Wanita Sehat
* 100 % Komitmen
* 2 Pasang restu orang tua
* 1 Botol kasih sayang murni

2. Bumbu

* 1 Balok besar humor
* 25 gr rekreasi
* 1 Bungkus do’a
* 2 Sendok teh telpon – telponan
* 5 kali ibadah / hari tapi lebih baik jika lebih dari itu

3. Semua bumbu diaduk hingga rata dan mengembang


1. Pilihlah pria dan wanita yang benar-benar matang dan seimbang.
2. Jangan yang satu terlalu tua dan jangan yang lainnya terlalu muda, karena dapat mempengaruhi kelezatan (sebaiknya dibeli di toserba bernama “TEMPAT IBADAH“, walaupun agak jual mahal tapi mutunya terjamin).
3. Jangan beli di pasar yang bernama “DISKOTIK” atau PARTY karena walaupun modelnya bagus dan harum baunya tapi kadang menipu konsumen atau juga mengandung zat pewarna yang bisa merusak kesehatan.
4. Gunakan kasih sayang cap “DAKWAH” yang telah mendapatkan penghargaan ISO dari Departemen Kesehatan dan Kerohanian.


1. Pria dan Wanita dicuci bersih, buang semua masa lalunya sehingga tersisa niat yang murni.
2. Siapkan loyang yang telah diolesi dengan komitmen dan restu orang tua secara merata.
3. Masukkan niat yang murni ke dalam loyang dan panggang dengan api merata hingga 30 menit di depan penghulu.
4. Biarkan di dalam loyang tadi dan di sirami dengan bumbunya.
5. kue siap dinikmati.


Kue ini dapat dinikmati oleh pembuatnya seumur hidup dan paling enak dinikmati dalam keadaan hangat. Tapi kalau sudah agak dingin, tambahkan lagi humor segar secukupnya, rekreasi sesuai selera, serta beberapa potong doa kemudian dihangatkan lagi di oven bermerek “TEMPAT IBADAH“

Setelah mulai hangat, jangan lupa telpon – telponan bila berjauhan. Selamat mencoba, dijamin semuanaya “HALAL” koq !

Undangan domino Januari 2009Undangan domino Januari 2009

The source of the article:

Souvenir the Andri Marriage & Honey (on December 14 2008)

The Unique cake recipe the marriage For That has married, this marriage cake was needed to warn . For that did not yet marry this cake for the input, to have to not be wrong batter. Please tried!!

1. The material

* 1 healthy Man
* 1 Healthy Woman
* 100 % the Commitment
* 2 pairs of parents’s blessing
* 1 Bottle of the pure affection

2.The spice

* 1 big Beam the humour
* 25 gr. Recreation
* 1 Praying Package
* 2 teaspoons of the telephone – the telephone
* 5 religious duties times/the day but rather good if more than that

3. All the spices were stirred through to level and expanded


1. Choose the man and the woman that really mature and balanced.
2. . Don’t take one too old and don’t that was other too young, because could influence delicius (better be bought in the department store named the “PLACE” of “religious duties”, although rather sold expensive but But his quality was guaranteed.
3. Did don’t buy in the market that was named the “disco” or PARTY because although his model was good and fragrant was smelly him but sometimes cheated the consumer or also contained colouring agent that could damage the health.
4. Use the affection of the “PREACHING” stamp that got the ISO appreciation from the Department of the Health and Spirituality.

The METHOD cooked

1. The man and the Woman were washed clean, discarded all of his past so as to remain the pure intention.
2. Prepare the tray that was spread with the commitment and parents’s blessing evenly.
3. Put the intention that was pure into the tray and roasted with equitable fire till 30 minutes in front of the village chief.
4. Let in this tray and in poured i with his spice.
5. The cake was ready to be enjoyed.


This cake could be enjoyed by his manufacturer for life and most was glad being enjoyed in the warm situation. But if being rather cold, added again the adequate fresh humour, recreation in accordance with appetite, as well as several pieces of the prayer afterwards.

terima kasih untuk Andri & Madu(Klien atas inspirasinya

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